Friday, June 11, 2010

So, I have been missing in action for a while... I haven't had much to blog about. We went to Okoboji and saw the grandsons a few weeks ago... that's where the photos are from. I guess we did have some remodeling go on. Our bathroom got remodeled. It was to be a 24 hour remodel that lasted 10 days and still isn't quite finished. We have a new bathtub and new walls and flooring. We also put in new carpet in the living room and painted. I don't like the color. It's called Wild Asparagus (light green) I wanted more of a sage green but I got talked out of it. We are living with it. The bathroom is painted Mocha Creme (milk chocolate) and white. Still haven't decided what other accent color yet... Any ideas????
The photos are Blaze (4 months); Griffin (2 1/2) and Brody (5). In order... I will get to see them hopefully in two weeks.
So take care and I will do better about blogging!!!