Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ICE....What a nasty word

Ok, so I like winter but this is getting a little ridiculous!! We went without power for 9 1/2 hours today. I'm not complaining that much because we have a roof over our heads and had a warm meal courtesy of the grill but I was getting a little bored and cold. The house temp dropped to 50 degrees and I had on 5 layers and a blanket, scarf and mittens but it was getting a little difficult to move. Even the cats started to get chilly because they crawled up in my lap. I did a book of word searches and beat my husband in 2 games of 500 Rummy and took a nap (early morning right after the power went out). We ended up going to Atlantic to get warm and pick up some batteries and Subway. It is rather pretty with all the ice on the trees but not really helpful to have the branches on the power lines though. I have to work tomorrow night and the house I work in didn't have power back on yet. In fact only one of our houses has power and not sure what tomorrow will bring. No school around here again and they'll be lucky if they go on Friday. Some people up north of us were told not to expect power until next week, so I guess we are lucky and I have nothing to complain about. Now that I got it off my chest, I can beat my husband in another game of 500 Rummy!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Winter Wonderland

So here it is January 16th and it hasn't snowed in over a week!!! Yea for us!!! But our backyard looks like a Christmas card and I personally think it is beautiful!! I do have to admit that these photos came at a price. Luckily, no one witnessed my debacle but it was hilarious just the same! As I was tromping through the snow to get to the far end of our backyard, I fell flat on my face in the snow. Did I mention that I was holding onto my camera and it nose-dived with me into the snow? Panic set it immediately! Is the snow going to break my camera? Did I scratch the lens? It must be my lucky day because my camera works just fine and I didn't break my arm or my nose so life is good. I did see a doe crossing the creek behind my house but I needed the bigger lens to get a closer view of it and after my tromp through the snow, I wasn't going back to the house for it. It was gorgeous and showed up against the white snowy background. I guess you will just have to take my word for it!
My grandson should be making his appearance in the next three weeks. I have his baby scrapbook all done and ready for pictures. I still don't know what his name will be so I will have to add that after he's born or we find out, whichever comes first. I am also making another baby scrapbook for a co-worker who is due in May. I am one of the few who knows what she is having and can't tell. She is telling at next week's Wednesday meeting so I was hoping to have it mostly done by then. I have it all planned out and have started it so we will see.
The girls are trying to get used to me not being here two nights a week and frankly so am I. The air mattress takes a little getting used to as does the sounds of the house. It took me months to get used to the other house I worked in so it will just take time.
Well, I rambled on long enough... take care and enjoy the sights that God has given us...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Well, I started the full time job officially on January 2 but I did work on Friday night at my old house... so in all over the weekend I worked 53.75 hours. Happy New Year!!! We are expecting more snow this week. I guess someone thinks we don't have enough. Mark thinks there is at least 2 feet of snow in our yard in the low spots. I guess it's supposed to start tomorrow and when it's all done we will have 4-7 inches by Friday...and then the blowing begins. Is spring coming soon? I like snow but this is a little ridiculous.
Guess what tonight is?! It's Biggest Loser night!! It has started again. This shows inspires me but not to exercise...just the think about it. It's also the big Iowa game!! I am also watching Grey's Anatomy on Lifetime!!! I get to watch 3 episodes a night!! I have seen all of them at least 4 times but watch then any way. I know I watch too much tv.
So what is everyone up to? I hope everyone is staying warm and I hope that 2010 brings all of you everything your heart desires!! Drop me a comment and let me know how you all are doing... It's been a while since I have talked to all of you....
Take care!!