Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's a new baby........

Boy!! Mark and I will be grandparents of a new grandson around Feb. 4th!!! There is something to be said for a mother of three little boys.... Can't wait to meet him!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sunday afternoon with the hubby

Mark and I went to Carroll yesterday, just for the heck of it and after running around and doing errands, we ended up at Swan Lake. We stopped at the bald eagle exhibit first. I took pictures but had the little camera so the photos didn't turn out as well. Then we went to the the fishing hut and watched for something to happen...we wished and threw pennies in (well, Mark's was a nickel). We drove around the lake and stopped at the petting area. I went in but Mark decided to stay outside. I liked the pot bellied pig, but she didn't want anything to do with me... I petting the little goats and avoided the nasty big male goat who was a little, shall we say, horny. He was after the sheep and the other gilt who was trying to avoid him too. I loved the little goats. They were so CUTE!! On our way home, we stopped for ice cream. A very pleasant day and we were home by 3pm. Mark then surprised me by serving me supper in bed. (No, I wasn't in bed yet. I was watching Big Brother, Drop Dead Diva, Design Star, and Army Wives and it was cooler in the bedroom) He made eggs, sunny side up, otherwise know to me growing up at "dip it eggs" and toast. Yum! I had decided that I was going to settle for popcorn and that was a real treat! Well, I thought I would surprise everyone and blog two days in a row!!! Talk to you later!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Visitor

So last week Mark sent me a photo of what he found under our bushes on the west side of our house. I could not for the life of me figure our what it was...although to my benefit, it was the tail sticking out from the branches of the bushes, so you couldn't really tell what it was anyway... A snapping turtle came for a visit but I think it had to be a male turtle because he was lost. Being a male, he didn't ask for directions and he thought our bushes was his hotel for the night. He wasn't happy we were evicting him from his "room" as you can tell by the photo of him with his mouth open. He also didn't seem thrilled with the mode of transportation we were using to help him on his detour either...the snow shovel. He tried to bite it numerous times as we were gingerly trying to get him to stay on his "taxi". Ha Ha! Well, his taxi driver, Mark, took him to the closest spot available close to the creek behind our house...the timber and put him back into the wild with the "map of the land" in front of him...the water was right in front of him...he just had to go down the embankment to get to it...Mark helped him with that too. I don't think we will be earning 5 stars for our hospitality from Mr Turtle either. I'm pretty sure he didn't like the camera lens in his face or his mode of transportation or the fact we wouldn't leave him undisturbed in the bushes. Oh, well, I don't think he would pay his bill upon leaving and more than likely, he would have vacated in the middle of the night, but we'll never know...Just call us the evictors!!!! Until later...

Friday, August 21, 2009

So, I have been a little slow in updating my blog...Sorry about that. I guess when there isn't much new going on, I feel like I don' have much to say. I have worked more in the last couple of weeks but Mark and I found some time to go to the Iowa State Fair. We saw some of the sites, ate pork chops on a stick, drank a ton of water, had some mini donuts and Mark had ice cream. We saw the bull, the boar, and part of the avenue of breeds. We walked through the scrapbooking entries (in my opinion, I have friends who would have wiped out the competition if they would have entered) and browsed the photography exhibits. We rode the Ole Mill Ride and Mark's favorite place...the Varied Industries Building. I hate the crowds in that place but appreciated the air conditioning and the bathrooms. We seemed to have missed at least half of the exhibits because it was so HOT! I want to go back but we'll see...I am running out of days.
By the way, that is last years fair...I didn't take any photos this year...too hot and too busy.
I don't really have much to blog about. I haven't really scrapped much...I did make another wedding album for the "ring carrier" in my wedding. I did it last minute (the night before) but it really turned out nicely. I heard that she loved it. The nice thing is that they have all the snapshots of the wedding that they had at the reception and they can just put them in the book. Other than that, I haven't had much to work on. I guess I could always hire out the services...
Until later....