Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Discipline problems

So here are the "girls" in their "Time Out Sweaters". This is what happens when these two climb the Christmas tree. The water bottle didn't do much but slow them down a little so I put on their sweaters. It wasn't for discipline but it worked out that way. It was chilly and they were laying by the registers and didn't seem to be to warm so I thought this would be a solution. It ended up being what stopped them from climbing the Christmas tree. You know how when you take the dog to the vet for a haircut and they come home all embarrassed? That was the same effect the sweaters had. It kind of depressed them a little so they didn't stay on for days, just hours and I had peace and the ornaments and the tree thanked me. I finally took the tree down on Saturday and took away the temptation. Hooray!! Maybe the sweaters will be put away for awhile, that is until some other naughty behavior begins.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to all of you!! I hope that this holiday finds you all happy and healthy. Mark and I are staying home because of the weather. We were heading to Port Byron, Illinios for Christmas with my dad and Sally and my brother and his family. Mark asked me if I wanted Christmas steaks for dinner but I told him that we should have a real meal...turkey and all the fixings. So, I will be making turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and cheesecake for dessert. We are having my friend Sheila down for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. She can't make it home until the weekend so we are going to gorge ourselves and then watch movies all day. I am looking forward to it!!

I got an early Christmas present this year...a fulltime job!! I will be doing what I have been doing but now just fulltime. What that means is I work two nights (3pm-9am) and a Wednesday morning meeting and that is my week. I was offered a different job working days but I really like the overnights. It gives me more time to scrapbook and spend time with Mark. It is such a relief for me...

Well, I hope you all get to spend time with those you love this holiday season!!! Make it memorable!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The "Tree" Girls

Well, it's only a week until Christmas and are you ready? I was actually thinking about taking my tree down. The cats are constantly trying to climb it and are knocking the ornaments off and squirting them with a water bottle only phases them for a few seconds. We have found that putting them in their holiday sweaters makes them docile. More like a timeout for them because they don't like them. You know when you take the dog to be clipped and they hide when you bring them home because they are embarrassed, that's how they act. They walk around and try to walk out of the sleeves...it's hilarious. If I had a video, I could make money. Gracie was down right embarrassed and Izzy got one arm out but after not being able to get the other one out, she put her paw back in the sleeve. She knows who's boss!!

Well, I'm off .... next time I will have some more to post.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!!

Well, snow in December makes a white Christmas seem more like a reality than a dream, at least in Iowa. We have 8 inches already and are expecting "thunder snow" in a couple of hours, so they say. I know that I don't have to work tomorrow but an expected to go on Thursday overnight. I hope the wind that is coming tomorrow doesn't do what they think its going to do. Blizzard warning in effect until Wednesday afternoon. I would like to just enjoy the week at home, but we'll see.
So, presents are wrapped but not under the tree. Gracie and Izzy enjoy climbing the tree much to my disapproval. They don't like the spray bottle but it hasn't deterred the cats from climbing and batting the glass balls on the tree. They are cute doing it though but I'm not too crazy about the ornaments all over the floor in the mornings. I like it so much better that they like to nap on the tree skirt under the tree which is why there are no presents under there.
I need to get the Christmas cards ready to send out. I picked up the pictures yesterday and now need to get them finished and addressed. Maybe tonight or tomorrow since the snow will prevent anyone from going anywhere.
Enjoy your time with your family and be careful if you are traveling.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So as you can tell, my tree is up. Mark had a game in Okoboji and Robyn decided not to go or take the boys so I stayed home. Mark has been hinting about putting up the tree and even cleared a spot in the living room. So while he was gone, I put up the tree and even decorated it. This will be new since we didn't put one up last year so Gracie nor Izzy have been exposed to a Christmas tree. They both were sniffing around the tree and batting at the ornaments but both have been content in sleeping on the tree skirt under the tree. Now I just have to wrap presents to put them under the tree, or maybe not since the kitties have adopted that as their new getaway spot. We'll have to wait and see.

We are going to go to Okoboji for Thanksgiving. We are just heading up for the day so it will be fun to see the boys. They are having Griffin's 2nd Birthday party on Sunday and Mark and I won't be able to make it. Good thing I got his present...I just hope I remember to take it with on Thursday.

Anyone braving the crowds and hitting the Black Friday sales? I have never done it and have always wanted to. Those Cricut cartridges at Walmart for $30 might make me try it. I don't think there will be a big run at our Walmart in Atlantic so maybe I can go down at 8am. Wait and see, I guess.

Well, Happy Thanksgiving and I am thankful for all of you. You make my life meaningful!!! Thank you all!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Well, I still don't have any photos up...for some reason it says my files are too big. I will have to switch to my little camera and of course the battery is dead. I am so not prepared... Today was my last day at the house I have been in for 9 months. Not my choice but I am required to go where they tell me so instead of the young guys house I will be headed to the older guys house. It is the only house in the company that I haven't worked in. Originally it was the house I wanted to be in when I first started but I have build such a strong bond with my young guys I am sad to leave. My first shift at the new house will be next Saturday. I am sure it will be fine..I keep telling myself at least.
So what else has been going on in my life....I have been enjoying myself in the scrapbook studio. I made an ABC book for Griffin for Christmas and some calendars, mini paper bag albums, mini chipboard albums, Christmas cards, etc... I love this hobby!!!! I have so missed that creative outlet and am so glad that I jumped back in again.
So what is on your Christmas list? I had two items, and already bought my new winter coat. It is light blue and so pretty. I had looked at some and the ones I liked were $229. Unbelievable! Mine was a great deal!!! The other thing I want is a cricut cartridge, From the Kitchen. Pretty simple shopping for me.
Mark and I are heading to Okoboji on Tuesday for a basketball game and then again on Thursday for Thanksgiving. Work on Wednesday and Saturday and who knows what will be going on Black Friday! Maybe some deals out there???? Anyone know of any??? Let me know!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Family photo shoot

So here they are...my adorable little ones. They are growing up too fast and to think in late January or early February there will be another little boy to add to the mix. How did we get so lucky? This was taken before they left on Sunday morning. We did the pumpkin patch on Saturday and it was perfect. We had a great time and according to Mark it was the best trip out there yet. I will blog more and post some of the photos later. I do have 3 mini albums of the trip to the pumpkin patch done already. I get to keep 2 and one is for those guys. I will post some photos of the albums too. They are really cute. So I wanted to make sure that you didn't think I had fallen off the face of the earth so I will blog later.. Take care everyone!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Christmas shopping DONE

Well, it's official! I am done shopping for Christmas!! Mark decided not to go so I went by myself and got done in under 4 hours. I got some good deals and a couple of GREAT deals! I got home and Mark suggested we put up the tree....I said we should wait until after next weekend when the kids and grandkids will be here to go to Vala's Pumpkin Patch. I can't believe I said to wait. I am always wanting to put it up so we can enjoy it...maybe November 1st. I posted yesterday that I made some gifts and need to make a couple more but I now have free time so I will start on them either tonight or tomorrow. So, I am heading to the studio to work. Wish me luck. I need some creativity juices sent my way!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009


I know, it's still too early for this post but I have been really busy in the scrapbook studio the last two and a half days. I have been having a ball making Christmas presents!!!! I have made 7 presents so far. I have more to make but there are only 24 hours in a day. I worked the first couple of days of the week so I am off until Tuesday! I have the kids coming this next weekend and our annual Vala's Pumpkin Patch trip and I have been looking forward to this since last year.

Mark is going to watch the Iowa football game tomorrow and then I think we are off to Des Moines to do the Christmas shopping! Mark's idea!! So it will be a great trip with him and supper out...maybe Famous Dave's!! My mouth is already watering! I have my list made out and the shopping plan in my head and Mark and I will get our shopping done in a hurry! Yeah for us!!!!

Well, I am watching Grey's Anatomy and waiting for Mark to come home from his football game and then he's going to another one. We are going to get groceries after that so I better get a move on... Just wanted to update my blog... Let me know what you think!!??

Friday, October 2, 2009

I can't believe it is October already!! It's definitely fall outside...the wind is blowing, it's cold and damp outside and the leaves are falling all over the place. It's time for pumpkin patches, chili and cornbread and beautiful colors!! We have been busy working in the basement and outside (ok Mark has been working outside) but we've kept ourselves busy. We have company coming next week...my mom and stepdad and then we have a family reunion next weekend in Illinois. I'm excited to head east...hopefully the leaves will still be on the trees and not blowing all over. I also get to see my dad and stepmom, whom I haven't seen in over a year... pretty sad that it's been a year. I guess everyone is too busy these days.

So what's new with all of you?? Got your Christmas lists ready and the shopping started? I can say "yes" to both of those questions. I remember a few years ago that I had all my shopping done by October 1st. it was awesome because then I could enjoy the sales and pick up items for Mark and me without feeling guilty. Not sure that I will be done as early but want to be done by November 1st this year.

Well, take care and drop me a line and let me know you are all ok!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Well, this has been a week of news...not really good news, but news. My mom and her husband bought a new house in Huntsville, TX. Now that is good news for them but sad news for me since both Mark and I LOVE their house in Houston. The pool and hot tub in the back yard makes it feel like you are in a secluded getaway while you are there. We love the peacefulness and it is really beautiful out there and you don't really notice you are in Houston, Texas. A bummer for us too since they will be out of Houston and all the great sights and attractions in Houston. But good for them... And in my job, we have five people who work in our house, which includes 3 full-time workers and 2 part-timers. Well, at our weekly meeting this morning they dropped the bomb that they were moving workers around and are moving my biggest ally in our house to another house. That is such a BUMMER not only for me, but the rest of our staff and not to mention the three clients in our house. This week has just been...yuck!! And to top it off, my favorite soap opera is going off the air on Friday. Guiding Light has been going for over 70 years and it will end this week. It was sad today... I know...as Mark would say..."It's fiction, Dana. Get over it!" I have watched that show for as long as I can remember. OK, I know this has not been worthy to even mention in a blog but it's what I've been thinking about this week... so I will come back when things are blog-worthy... Soon I hope!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So here I am, trying to decide if I have anything blog worthy to even blog about and it hits me... the weather is awesome and I am enjoying the cooler temps and the windows being open but the best thing that has happened in the last week or so is....we got a dehumidifier. I know what you are thinking...so what! But it has made such a difference in our house. Our basement is a totally different place. It's not cold and damp any more...It has dried out so much and is warmer. I will be moving my scraping back downstairs. The environment down there will be so different now that it has dried up. Neither Mark nor I would have ever thought that it would have made that much of a difference but wow!!

Speaking of scrapping, I actually tried to scrap 12x12 pages last Saturday. I haven't done those in about 2 years...for myself that is. I really struggled but because I wanted to work on something else and I wanted to talk for the first 3-4 hours, eat, shop and got going at 2:30 and it was over at 4pm. I really need the 12 hour crops so I can do something productive. Maybe in October I can get to one. I had my papers and embellishments all picked out and the photos ready to go but when it came down to it...I struggled! What do I need to do? Is there help for me? Do I just need inspiration from my friends? Help!!

I need some ideas for some scrap related Christmas presents. Does anyone have any great ideas? I thought about a calendar and will do that for one part of the family but I need some individual gift ideas. Someone out there have something I can scrap lift??????

OK, I better do something besides facebook and blogs...although I enjoy that so much!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's a new baby........

Boy!! Mark and I will be grandparents of a new grandson around Feb. 4th!!! There is something to be said for a mother of three little boys.... Can't wait to meet him!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sunday afternoon with the hubby

Mark and I went to Carroll yesterday, just for the heck of it and after running around and doing errands, we ended up at Swan Lake. We stopped at the bald eagle exhibit first. I took pictures but had the little camera so the photos didn't turn out as well. Then we went to the lake...to the fishing hut and watched for something to happen...we wished and threw pennies in (well, Mark's was a nickel). We drove around the lake and stopped at the petting area. I went in but Mark decided to stay outside. I liked the pot bellied pig, but she didn't want anything to do with me... I petting the little goats and avoided the nasty big male goat who was a little, shall we say, horny. He was after the sheep and the other gilt who was trying to avoid him too. I loved the little goats. They were so CUTE!! On our way home, we stopped for ice cream. A very pleasant day and we were home by 3pm. Mark then surprised me by serving me supper in bed. (No, I wasn't in bed yet. I was watching Big Brother, Drop Dead Diva, Design Star, and Army Wives and it was cooler in the bedroom) He made eggs, sunny side up, otherwise know to me growing up at "dip it eggs" and toast. Yum! I had decided that I was going to settle for popcorn and that was a real treat! Well, I thought I would surprise everyone and blog two days in a row!!! Talk to you later!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Visitor

So last week Mark sent me a photo of what he found under our bushes on the west side of our house. I could not for the life of me figure our what it was...although to my benefit, it was the tail sticking out from the branches of the bushes, so you couldn't really tell what it was anyway... A snapping turtle came for a visit but I think it had to be a male turtle because he was lost. Being a male, he didn't ask for directions and he thought our bushes was his hotel for the night. He wasn't happy we were evicting him from his "room" as you can tell by the photo of him with his mouth open. He also didn't seem thrilled with the mode of transportation we were using to help him on his detour either...the snow shovel. He tried to bite it numerous times as we were gingerly trying to get him to stay on his "taxi". Ha Ha! Well, his taxi driver, Mark, took him to the closest spot available close to the creek behind our house...the timber and put him back into the wild with the "map of the land" in front of him...the water was right in front of him...he just had to go down the embankment to get to it...Mark helped him with that too. I don't think we will be earning 5 stars for our hospitality from Mr Turtle either. I'm pretty sure he didn't like the camera lens in his face or his mode of transportation or the fact we wouldn't leave him undisturbed in the bushes. Oh, well, I don't think he would pay his bill upon leaving and more than likely, he would have vacated in the middle of the night, but we'll never know...Just call us the evictors!!!! Until later...

Friday, August 21, 2009

So, I have been a little slow in updating my blog...Sorry about that. I guess when there isn't much new going on, I feel like I don' have much to say. I have worked more in the last couple of weeks but Mark and I found some time to go to the Iowa State Fair. We saw some of the sites, ate pork chops on a stick, drank a ton of water, had some mini donuts and Mark had ice cream. We saw the bull, the boar, and part of the avenue of breeds. We walked through the scrapbooking entries (in my opinion, I have friends who would have wiped out the competition if they would have entered) and browsed the photography exhibits. We rode the Ole Mill Ride and Mark's favorite place...the Varied Industries Building. I hate the crowds in that place but appreciated the air conditioning and the bathrooms. We seemed to have missed at least half of the exhibits because it was so HOT! I want to go back but we'll see...I am running out of days.
By the way, that is last years fair...I didn't take any photos this year...too hot and too busy.
I don't really have much to blog about. I haven't really scrapped much...I did make another wedding album for the "ring carrier" in my wedding. I did it last minute (the night before) but it really turned out nicely. I heard that she loved it. The nice thing is that they have all the snapshots of the wedding that they had at the reception and they can just put them in the book. Other than that, I haven't had much to work on. I guess I could always hire out the services...
Until later....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our Visitors

Here's the funny photos of the squirrels and the blue bird. Someone tell me what kind of bird this is... Today we had a new bird visiting...didn't get a photo but maybe tomorrow we will.

Monday, July 27, 2009

For my Birds

Well, it seems like summer is just flying by so fast. I know they say that after the 4th of July the summer is over, but gee whiz. Mark is finishing up the umpiring season. He did Girls State Softball in Fort Dodge last week and he's doing Boys State Baseball this week. I forgot how busy his schedule is. It will be nice to have our nights back but he will be antsy because he's used to being gone all the time.

I scrapped on Saturday. I made a mini album about the visitors we have had since the placement of the birdhouse that Steve made for us. It is constantly needing to be filled...those critters go through a lot of feed. We have had cardinals, blue jays, finches, orioles, morning doves, robins, sparrows and the most beautiful blue bird. We don't know what kind of bird it is but it the most gorgeous bird we have seen. I will post photos soon and maybe you can tell me what kind it is. We have also been visited by ground squirrels, rabbits, baby squirrels and a male cat we have lovingly named "Tommy". It's fun to watch...it's kept me entertained. We have photos of the visitors and I made a mini album in the shape of a birdhouse (my own design) and it turned out cute. I will post photos tomorrow of the bird and the book. I just can't get the birds to sign the book. Ha Ha!

Well, I better go... chat later.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My guys

So here are my guys! Aren't they cute?! They all have the same Paulsen heads...full of brains I guess. This was taken when we went up and watched the boys when Ryan and Robyn went to a wedding and then I stayed to babysit while Ryan and Robyn went ot work. Such funny boys and they love their Grandpa. I have some more cute pictures but this is my favorite!!

Keep Amy and Cosie in your prayers. He is getting better but it will take a while for him to be back on his feet.

Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Goodbye MJ

I have to admit it...I watched the whole Michael Jackson memorial today. I cried too. It was like a piece of my past is gone. I was a fan although not many knew it. I thought he was an amazing talent who is gone too soon. I felt the same way when Princess Diana died too. I guess for me it my Elvis, since I was little when he died. I felt so sorry for his family and kids. I know that they are strong in their faith but it still has to be so difficult to mourn in public. I guess they lived in public so they mourn. I just hope they can all be at peace soon as I hope Michael is at peace finally.

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

Well we survived the 4th of July. For our town of 700-800 people it grows to about 5000-8000 people for the day. Since it rained all day or should I say misted all day, I don't know if we had that many people or not. My brother and his family came out for the weekend for his 20 year class reunion. Mark and I watched the nephews on Friday evening and had a really good time. We went out to eat, went uptown to ride rides and then shot off fireworks when we got home. On Saturday, we went to the parade, got damp, went to my friend Sheila's for a BBQ and then went uptown again with the whole family. The boys rode rides and I took pictures. Mark and I went to the fireworks at dusk. Fun weekend.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I am back from "grandparenting"for the last 4 days and I am TIRED!!! That Brody is a handful to say the least! I know he's had a very rough week with his daycare being closed suddenly and poison ivy and staying with grandparents and having grandparents stay with him but oh my! It was fun to see them and Griffin was a hoot. He's so laid back and good-natured that you hardly know he's even there. He jabbers and giggles and smiles a lot...so cute too. Brody is growing up so much and he's smart as a whip too. I hope we don't have to wait another 3 months to see them again... oh and by the way... there's a third on the way but I'm not supposed to know...so SHHHHHHH!

Friday, June 12, 2009


It's been awhile I know. I worked all of last weekend and had most of this week off. Went on a "road trip" with Mark and Terry on Tuesday. They were supposed to umpire in Okoboji but there was an accident with one of their players and the game got cancelled. It was a fun day and evening. Mark learned how to play "Up the River" and we ate great food!!! This weekend I work both Saturday and Sunday from 9-4. Pretty easy shift and I think there will only be one of the guys there. The other two are going home this weekend. Then I work on Wednesday night and again on Friday night. It sounded like all three guys are going home for Father's Day so I could have a REALLY short shift on Friday. We are going to Okoboji on Thursday for another ball game and then up again on Saturday for the weekend. We are "grandparenting" so Ryan and Robyn can go to a wedding. Looking forward to it!!!! I have no new photos to upload so I guess it will just be words. Sorry... talk to you soon.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here is our Luau photo for my birthday!!! Cute huh?!? We are back in cold Iowa wondering why we came back to the cold, damp weather. What were we thinking? Mark got a taste of the good life and now he's ready to win the lottery and enjoy it. We have enjoyed the outdoors a little since we got home. We have tried to recreate the paradise that my mom has in her backyard. The only thing we are missing is the water feature (pool and hot tub). I keep telling Mark that the faucet is only 10 feet away. Not much of a water feature though. Aloha!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Been gone for awhile

So we went to Texas for my little sister Megan's college graduation. She graduated on Friday, May 15th in San Marcos, Texas. The whole family was together for the first time in years. This is mom, me, Megan, and my brother Brent. I will post more photos in the morning cause I am too tired do anymore tonight.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Since I will turn the big 4-0 next week, Mark treated me to one of my favorite hotties last night. WOW!!! What a concert! He was AWESOME! I would have had pictures BUT according to some security guy, I couldn't use my camera. He said that no cameras with removable lens were allowed. He said it was printed on the back of the ticket. I didn't see it...I saw no recording devices. So I have no photos... but I have my ticket and my t-shirt that Mark bought for me...THANK YOU MARK! I had a wonderful time. Lady Antebellum and Miranda Lambert opened the show. They were great too. Kenny came out on stage via a seat hooked up to wires. He floated above the crowd singing "He Thinks My Tractor's Sexy". He was so good, I just can't get over how great the concert was. I sang and sang and was hoarse this morning but it was so worth it! I've seen him a couple of times before but this was by far the best concert I've been to. His band has expanded over the years too... he now has thirteen members besides him. One of the last songs he did was "Back Where I Come From" and Dallas Clark (former Iowa Hawkeye who plays for the Colts) came on and sang it with Kenny! What a highlight and the whole song they had pictures from all over Des Moines streaming on the five big screens by the stage. And my highlight was he sang my FAVORITE song "Me and You". That is the song that Ryan and I danced to at his wedding and the song that plays on my phone when Mark calls me. All I can say is I had a wonderful time. Thanks again Mark.

Monday, May 4, 2009

More mini projects

Hi there!!! I have enjoyed my creative side this last week. I went with my friend Sheila and her mom to a meeting of Creative Memories consultants. It was in Des Moines on National Scrapbook Day, May 2nd, which struck me funny. Why plan a meeting on the day to celebrate what your business is all about? We had a good time though. I can't believe how far Creative Memories has come since I was first introduced to it some twelve or thirteen years ago. I think they are coming around to what the rest of the scrapbooking world has been doing. I still love their products... that hasn't changed.
So here are some of the projects I worked on the last couple of days. They are little mini envelope accordian tag books. (if that makes any sense) These are made from coin envelopes and sandwiched between two chipboard covers and inside the envelopes are tags. Originally these were "What I love about you" books. The tags were numbered 1-5 and you wrote what it was onto the tag. I modified them a little. This one is for my mom for mother's day. Well, enjoy the beautiful weather the next few days. I know I will....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

TV Junkie

I have been watching The Biggest Loser since day 1 (this season's) and I have to say that I wish it wasn't a "game". I have watched my favorites get picked off the last month or so and I don't like Ron. I did but he is such a game player and a liar. I really was rooting for Mike, his son, and now the person I have disliked this whole time is who I want to win, Tara. Seriously, that girl drives me nuts but I want her to win now. So go Tara!! I also have watched Dancing With the Stars on Mondays too. Go Shawn!! But I love too many couples on that show and now that my favorites are left, who am I going to root for. Shawn is a gifted young woman and has surprised a lot of people but Giles and Melissa are fabulous too!! Oh the little things in life... I can honestly say that I am addicted to tv. I will plan things around my favorite shows if possible... sick I know but that's what I do...unless Mark can tape for me...He's been really good about it if I am working. Thanks Mark! Well, I will chat later....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Scrapping and Cropping

So I went to a crop yesterday and guess what... I sat there and talked for 2 hours without doing anything except looking at my new Bo Bunny paper. Isn't that sad. Me talking and not doing anything.... sounds like old times for me!!!!! I finally worked on a little mini house album that I had painted already. I was going to use it for my sister's recipe album but I had too many recipes for it. So, I had to decide what to use it for... It turned out to be almost perfect for my album of Brody on the trails behind our house last fall. Unfortunately I did a leaf book of those photos already. Oh well...the colors worked out so all is good. Once it's embellished, I will post photos...probably on Tuesday. I worked on Saturday night and tonight (I'm at work now) and then don't work again for 11 days!!!! Sounds like a lot of scrapping will get done.... Mark is saying "Dream On!" I am sure that there are a few things he thinks are more important than me scrapping...but he knows how scrapping is my outlet for stress..... Did I tell you that I am going to Kenny Chesney on May 7th!!!! I'm excited. It's at Wells Fargo Arena and Mark and I are making a date out of it with supper before hand and then the concert!!! Well, I better get back to work...I am going to help clean the bathroom now! Talk to you soon!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Project photos

I have had a fun week. I worked overnight Tuesday night and have been scrapping too. Megan's recipe album is done and I decided that Gracie and Izzy needed something done for them so I made a princess album for them. I attached photos of that for you to see. I can't believe how big Izzy is getting. She can go up and down stairs now so no place is sacred for Gracie. Gracie has been in heat twice in the last 2 weeks. I didn't know that female cats can yodel that low. Izzy is still making us laugh unfortunately it's at 4:30 in the morning, but still she's so funny. She reminds us of a monkey. She runs like one and that tail looks like the monkey's at the zoo. I also have made a MOM album for my mom for Mother's Day. The whole family will be in Texas for Megan's graduation so we will fill it with family photos in a couple of weeks. That album is BRIGHT and cheery. I needed those brilliant colors to perk me up. Enjoy!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Well, I have been working on yet another scrapping project. This time, it's for my sister for her college graduation present. I made her a recipe album and it turned out pretty cool if I do say so. I used my Zutter machine and some Teresa Collins bracket cover pages. I made the 8x8 pages and used Moxie's recipe line and the Teresa Collins Bon Appetite line as well. I printed out some awesome recipes and I like it so well...I want to keep it. I added charms to the binding and loved the way it looks. I will add a photo to show you. Maybe I will add some photos of the wedding album I worked on. I didn't take any photos of the second album. I will be honest, I wasn't really that thrilled with it. The colors were hard to work with for me, Candy Apple Red and Sunshine, Primary Yellow. It made me think of Iowa State the whole time and I just didn't like it for a wedding. It would have worked for my grandsons though. Well, that's it for now... chat with you later. (Well, I have spent the last 45 minutes going through all my SD cards and can't find the one with the wedding album on it...sorry. If and when I do find it I will post those photos)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Sorry I don't have any cute photos to add...Mark didn't hide any eggs and we didn't dye any either. Neither of the cats wore any bunny ears so there isn't really anything cute to post but I wanted to let you know that I was thinking about all of you and hoping that you are having a wonderful Easter. We are having Easter "steaks" on the grill. I'm always up for a good steak! So Happy Easter!!! and Congrats to Anne-Marie and Jon on their new baby girl, Julianne. She is beautiful in the photos. Well, I need to go help with the meal... Take care and see you soon.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Passed Test One

Well, I passed my written test for Medication Manager class. In fact I aced it and boy did that feel good. Now, I just have to pass my clinicals next Wednesday and then I will be done with training for my job... Could it be?! So just a quick post and I will post more tomorrow night. I have to finish that wedding album and then I can scrap my OWN stuff. Have a wonderful Easter and safe travel if you are going anywhere. We are staying home now. I don't have to work until next Tuesday so I am going to relax a little bit.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So, how's everyone been lately? I have been working and today and tomorrow I am taking Medication Manager classes for work. I worked Saturday night and Monday night so I have my 48 hours in for this week. I also have been working on another wedding album that needs to be done by Saturday. I just got my information on it last Wednesday night. Luckily, I am using the same sketches that I used for the last album so I can work quickly. I will be ready to work on my own stuff soon. I have a build up especially with Izzy and Brody and Griffin. I don't work again until Tuesday so maybe I will get something done over Easter weekend.
Good luck Anne Marie on Friday with the baby. I will be looking forward to finding out if Brooklyn has a baby sister or another brother. I love seeing photos of Brooklyn, Mason, Drew and Henry. Can you guys have cuter kids?! I enjoy watching them all grow up.
Gracie has adjusted to Izzy. It's been fun watching. The first night it was a standoff but they are best buddies now. Although Gracie gets a little tired of her "shadow" and goes downstairs to hide now and then. It also has caused Gracie to be the grown up and she's not the baby any more which is sad for me. She and I would cuddle when on the couch or in bed but now... nothing. Izzy is too busy and is getting used to not getting her way and being held. She would rather be on the floor running around or playing with toys or attacking ankles.
Well, I need to study for my test tomorrow and finish the last 3 pages of the scrapbook so take care and let me know you are all happy and healthy....

Thursday, April 2, 2009


So I pulled a little April Fools prank... I wasn't going to but when I went to post the pictures last night, I decided to wait. Childish I know but I haven't gotten to "play" much lately. I have been working so much that I wonder when the part time job managed to cause me to work 46.5 hours since Sunday. I worked 34 hours last week and work Saturday and Monday overnights and medication manager classes Wednesday and Thursday next week. WOW! And I thought my part time job would allow me to scrap more. Did I forget to mention that I have to do another wedding album by next Saturday and just got the information on Wednesday (yesterday). I guess I should be scrapping but instead I would rather talk to all of you... By the way Gracie and Izzy are getting along well. Last night it was a standoff in the bathroom with Izzy hiding under the shelves and Gracie ready to pounce. Mark said they were playing together at 4:00am and Izzy was holding her own with Gracie. This afternoon, they were sleeping in close proximity to one another on my bed. Well, I'm signing off and I am sorry if I upset anyone by my joke. I really did adopt, it's just a furry child.

Here she is

Meet Izzy... the latest addition to the Paulsen family.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We are parents...

Well, it's official. We' ve adopted a little girl. Her name is Izzy and she was born on Feb. 2, 2009. She was born in Fort Dodge, Iowa. We brought her home tonight and well, it's going to be a roller coaster ride for the next couple of weeks while we all get used to one another. I'm afraid that Gracie is going to have the hardest time. She has been the princess in our home. Now our time is going to be shared between her and Izzy.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Been out of the loop

Hi there... It's been a while since I have posted. I have been up north spending time with the grandsons last week and then I worked on Friday night. I was in a different house rather than my own. I worked with 4 people I knew only as a name. It was definitely out of my comfort zone but it was fun. I work tomorrow night into Friday and then next Monday and Tuesday nights. Should be fun. I have been working hard on a wedding album for a teacher friend. She is giving it as a shower gift to the bride on April 11th. I, of course, waited until last minute to start on it but should be done by Monday morning at the latest. I seem to work better under pressure I guess. I also was informed that I have to do another wedding album by April 18th. I was never given the go ahead with it, so it was a surprise for me. Just waiting on the colors, size and wedding details. It will go quickly as I will use a lot of the sketches I did for the first one. So what's new with all of you??? I hope everyone is happy and healthy and ready for Easter and Spring. Well, I need to finish working on the album so I better go.... Talk to you all later....


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Short post

Hi everyone- Just a quick post tonight. I am going to visit my friends on Tuesday, my grandsons on Wednesday through Friday morning and work Friday night. I will also try to put together a new gas grill that Mark bought for his birthday and go to a work meeting Wednesday morning before heading to Spirit Lake. I have been battling a nasty cold the past week so I hope the 72 degrees on Monday will shake all those cold cooties away. Well, I'm signing off for tonight. Take care and talk to you soon!!!! (Here's a photo of my family taken in August of 07. It was my dad's 70th birthday. That is my brother Brent, my nephews, Cole on the left and Clayton on the right, my step-mom Sally and my Dad, Wayne. It was nice and hot and right now I'd like that warmth again.)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Almost scraptime!

Hi there... I scrapped this weekend!! I know that's amazing. I finished a mini album for my great aunt. Our family reunion was in October and for Christmas, I made a mini album for my mom. My mom took it when they went to visit them near Brownsville and showed Aunt Mary. She got on the phone to her daughter talking all about it. I had all the supplies and the photos so I made her one. I need to get it sent to mom because Aunt Mary and Uncle Van will be stopping at my mom's on their way back to Illinois. It was fun to scrap again. I have made headway on the basement studio. I have 3 tables set up and ready... my cricut/cutting table; my stamping table with all my stamps on the clip it up and in the triple drawers on one side and all my inks and embossing powders on the other side of the table; the third table has my Basic Grey and my revolution/quickutz ready to go. The fourth table has my homemade Clip it up with the alphabet stickers/chipboard letters on it and my pens in my Making Memories spinner. I haven't finished that table yet since it keeps getting things piled on it. Mark has given me until March 20th. You can see 75% of the floor down there, but the couch is still covered. Right now, I am having trouble deciding where/what to do with items I can't throw away but don't really belong in any category in my system. Once I figure out what to do with that stuff, I will almost be done. YEA! Then it's time to scrap!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mark is a media star...

Well Mark is our "star" in our family this week. He received an award last May for 25 years of officiating from the Iowa High School Athletic Association. Our local newspaper reporter called and asked to do an article about Mark. Mark turned it down at first and then reconsidered it. Here is the link for it if you are interested.


Well... short post and I will post again tonight or first thing tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm still here...

Hi there- I have been working a lot and have my first solo shift on Friday night. I work from 2:30pm Friday till 10:00am Saturday morning. According to one of the guys, we will have fun. I hope so. It's been a challenging week to say the least with these two fellas so it will be interesting to see what it will be like. Friday is also the deadline for the basement. What do you think? Can I finish it? I am going to spend time down there tomorrow. I have to go get a TB test in the afternoon but the rest of the day will be MINE!! I am pretty sure that I could be asleep by 11:00 if Gracie leaves me alone. She's been a little put off by my absences lately and kind of letting me know it. I will have to make it up to her. Well, tonight's going to be a short post. I am going to bed early. I know, bed and early in the same sentence and describing me, is not a usual combination.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I've Been Missing

Hi there.. I have been a little busy, crazy busy this past week. We have been to Fort Dodge for a ballgame on Saturday night and I worked on Sunday and Monday. I work Tuesday and Wednesday nights and I haven't seen my schedule from there so I don't know what is in store. I saw Brody and Griffin Saturday night. They continue to amaze me and are growing up so quickly. I cherish anytime I get to spend with them. Mark is doing better with his shoulder pain. He got the stitches out today and continues to go to physical therapy 3 times a week. He is going to some basketball games this week to watch some of the guys he has officiated with. I know it's hard for him since he wishes and knows he'd be the one out there doing the games. We continue to hope that he's going to be ready for the softball/baseball season. The scrap studio is making/showing progress. It's supposed to be done by Friday. I have 3 tables set up and ready to work at so there's just a little more to work on... Maybe I will be ready for Friday. We'll see. It may not be perfect and in some regards it can never be perfect but as long as it is usable and creative and we can see the floor and use the space for our family again. I know, I know I've been saying I will post more photos of down there and I will...now I want to be finished before I do. Keep checking here to see the final photos. So what's new with all of you? Are you working on anything fun? Easter cards? Projects? Anything? I feel like I am living in my own little bubble not talking to anyone in such a long time. My schedule has been so crazy that I haven't been able to visit with anybody or see anyone. I hope once I see my schedule, I can make some plans to visit you guys in Des Moines. So leave me a comment and tell me what you are up to!!!! Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So, it's been a very long, yet exciting week so far. I started a new job on Monday; Mark had emergency surgery Monday afternoon; got him home Tuesday just in time to drive like a mad woman to get to Ryan's district final game in Spencer by 7 (i made it) and then back to Carroll to get Mark's car at the hospital and home by midnight and back to work at 8 this morning. I am looking forward to sleeping past 7am tomorrow morning. I have to go to work at 1 until 8 both Thursday and Friday. I have Saturday off from work but we are going to Fort Dodge to watch the Okoboji Pioneers take on St. Edmonds of Fort Dodge in the sub-state final for the right to go to the boys state tournament in Des Moines. Oh, did I forget to mention that Ryan's team BEAT East Sac County 53-50. It was one of the best games I have seen in a while at least the second half. I am so excited for Ryan. He works so hard and wants this so badly for his guys that I hope it goes well Saturday night. I work on Sunday from 9-4. I can't remember my schedule for next week but I'm pretty sure it's every night, but I can't remember. WOW, going from no schedule to a crazy schedule is catching up with me. I'll let you know later. I hope to get back downstairs either tonight or tomorrow before work. I will post some more photos then.... Take care!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

What a day!

So here was how my Monday went...first I was still awake at 2:30 this morning and my alarm went off at 6:40am. I left home at 7:30 this morning to head to Atlantic. I had First Aid and CPR from 8 till 12. Then my lunch, which I dumped my french fries on the floor of my car. They gave me the wrong salad and it tasted awful. I went back into the office for a little more info and that's when I got a phone call on the office phone. That was really strange, I thought. The coordinator said it was Sheila, she's my best friend. I had already talked to her twice so I picked up the phone and that's when she said it "Mark called me and he is at the hospital and he is having surgery at 4:30". That's when I said "What?" Mark's incision site had been red and a little warm over the last week or so. I thought it looked infected but what do I know. They had been really watching it at physical therapy and today, the lead therapist said she thought it needed to be looked at. Her mom works for the surgeon that did his surgery and so he got in. They tried to squeeze out the infection but to no avail. They needed to reopen the incision and do some exploratory surgery to see what was going on. I left Atlantic at 3:05, stopped at home and feed Gracie and headed to Carroll to the hospital. I got there an hour and fifteen minutes later and headed to same day surgery. I'd been there before... and I found Mark ready to go into surgery. The bad news is he had to stay overnight and get pumped full of antibiotics. He came through surgery just fine. The infection was contained to a nickel size area at the bottom of the incision under the skin. They scraped it out and closed it with four more stitches. He should get out of the hospital tomorrow about 5pm. Still not sure if we can make the trip to Spencer for Ryan's game or not. We'll just wait and see how he feels and whether he wants to make the trip or not. I got home at 8:30 and am ready to crash. So no progress on the studio but I did work on some of the inspiration wall.... I framed the photos I wanted and got a rug so maybe by Wednesday I will get some new photos. Well, I'm going to bed... I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Promised updates

So here they are, at least a few photos of the progress. The table is the secondary table. My revolution and quickutz dies are over there along with my collections of Basic Grey paper. I love this paper and want it to be accessible at all times. There will be some tweeking done over here yet. I have some photos for inspiration that will go above it but I need to enlarge and frame them first. I also have sorted brads and some bling so they are easier to find ywhen I start to scrap again. I still say by June I should be ready to scrap.
I went to Des Moines with my friend Sheila on Friday night. We hit most of the favorite haunts, enjoying a free make and take at Memory Bound and meeting Addie. We had supper at Cheddars and enjoyed the time together. We haven't seen much of each other lately even though we live 4 houses from each other.
I have been working in the basement for the last few days and Mark came down and said that he could really see the difference and also said that he could see that it was more organized. YEA! I now have my stamping station set up and ready to go and the cutting table is ready to go...just need to get the cricuts ready to go down there. I have the backup table for my quickutz set up to go so now its time for the scrapbook table and the tool closet to get finished. Besides seeing the floor and finding the couch, the basement is coming around. So other than that, not much else is going on. Mark is "enjoying" physical therapy Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. He also has ventured out to ball games on his own last week. I think he has really missed that fellowship with the other officials so it's nice for him to go and watch even though he'd rather be on the floor himself. Next year will be here before he knows it.
Well...until later....

Friday, February 20, 2009

Yep... it's 5 hours and another victory!!!!

So we went back to Milford tonight and yes.. we watched another victory! Yeah Pioneers!!
This was a hard fought win against Spirit Lake, their northern rivals. It was a big win and now they play in Spencer against East Sac County. (Wall Lake, Lake View, Auburn and Sac City) We will be heading up to Spencer on Tuesday night and hope to watch another victory. So I am going to work downstairs tomorrow... so I will have photos up tomorrow night. Take care...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Scrap room progress

I know I promised to post some updated photos but I still don't have anything photo worthy yet. Last night I sorted acrylic stamps and put the alphabets on the top of my clip it up. I thought that I would fill both tiers but that thing is amazing. It holds so much. I put words and sayings on the bottom and am no where close to filling it. I have only 6 clips left and I have 80% of the bottom to fill. I also realized that I have to use my stamps more often... i also found some duplicates. I have begun to set up some of my work space, FINALLY! I might be done by June or July. Well, I will take a photo or two tomorrow... Take care....Does anyone want to go to HuHot maybe next week?????

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

5 Hours in the Car and a VICTORY!

Well, as you can see.. this is where I was on Monday night. At Okoboji High School watching Ryan coach a wonderful group of seniors to a VICTORY!!!!! Yeah, Boji. The played Pocahantas Area Community... and won 71-59. The first half of the game definately was going the PAC Indians way... but after half time, the Pioneers stepped it up and played their game. I have really enjoyed watching this group of young men mature into a fine ball club. Tonight was nerve racking for awhile but in the end, it went Okoboji's way. So Thursday night, they will play Spirit Lake. Ryan's good friend coaches the boys and Okoboji beat them earlier in the season 54-50 so it will be exciting.
Before the game, I did get to give Brody and Griffin their Valentine's gifts and Brody opened his birthday presents. He was most excited over the John Deere gummi treats and the kite. Who knew it could be so easy...I think he will enjoy his I Spy game and other little gifts eventually! So that's my day...5 hours in the car and a victory! Gotta love it!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Brody, the Ham

Yep, this guy is now 4 and we are going to see him tonight. We have his birthday presents and his Valentine's Day treat to take up. We didn't go to his birthday party in Spencer. It was too hard to make 2 trips in less than 36 hours. Mark has physical therapy in Carroll at 12:30 so we are going up from Carroll. Ryan's basketball team plays in Milford tonight and we are going to it too. I can't wait to see this little ham and Griffin. Ryan and Robyn are the bonuses so I won't be working in the studio so no new pictures of the progress until maybe Tuesday...until then...

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Today is the day...the one I've been waiting for for 3 1/2 months... NASCAR Sprint Cup begins. I know it's cars driving in circles, wrecks, fights, the speed, but exactly. That's part of why I love it. I think the drivers are adorable, the races are jam-packed, the fans are the best and I enjoy all of it! There are times when I fall asleep during the races and days I listen to it in the car but I thoroughly enjoy it. That's what I am doing today. I should be downstairs, but I really wanted to watch this one. Maybe later, I will go down there and work some more. Well, I neeed to go to Subway this week and pick up a gift card...I made a bet with Steve, my step-dad, he picked Tony Stewart (who I can't stand) and I chose Jeff Gordon. Tony finished 8th and Jeff finished 13th... Mom thought I should send send a sandwich instead of the card... I better send the card, don't you think?!? Until later....

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! On this day all about LOVE I thought I would share alittle story about marriage proposals. My proposal was simple and it was 20 years ago today. No bells and whistles but the same outcome. Mark and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage in July but it isn't about me this time. This one is about Ryan and Robyn's proposal. His was wonderful... he'd planned it all out.. romantic and sweet. They had gone out for a romantic supper and a very nice restaurant in Waterloo. Then they went for a walk around a lake... it was one where they walked for awhile and then turned around and went back. There was a piece of paper wadded up on the ground. Ryan asked what it was and Robyn bent down to pick it up. She opened up the paper and it said "Turn around". Robyn did and Ryan was down on bended knee with the ring box open. Can you say "romantic"? I guess since it's Valentine's Day I'm feeling all lovey dovey and romantic. So for all those in love...congratulations! Enjoy it! Cherish it! This photo is about some of the loves in my life! Just what everyone needs.

Friday, February 13, 2009

February Snow

This was the view outside my back door this morning. Isn't it pretty!! Almost like a Christmas card.... the chairs are Mark's idea of a snow fence. I saw them yesterday and didn't get them picked up and put by the garage. Sometimes when you see something everyday, you forget that it's there... until I took this picture I kind of forgot about them. In the lower right hand corner of the picture is Mark's work car. Believe me, it looks better buried in snow. We start it every couple of days and let it run for awhile but it isn't going to get driven for quite sometime. We have had a quiet day, you can't really go anywhere when it is snowing 2" an hour. I think we ended up with 6-7 inches of the fluffy white stuff. Our friend Terry showed up tonight to shovel our driveway. It ended up being a "party"... Mark, Terry and I each with a shovel and the snow moved onto the yard. I am pretty sure that Terry worked the hardest out of all of us. We invited him in to eat supper and have a beer. It was Mark's first real company since his surgery. Terry had tried to come down to see him numerous times but Mark didn't really feel up to it so Terry came unannounced tonight. Mark is listening to Ryan's game on the internet and I am making my post for the day and then Gracie and I are going back downstairs to work on that studio. I got a reprieve on my done due date. I now have until March 6th. The original agreement was that the basement would be finished when Mark got out of his sling. After seeing the dr. last week, he will be in the sling until March 6th, so Mark gave me until then. He told me that while we were shoveling the driveway. I think he sees that I am trying so YEAH!!!! More time to go through things to give away.... anybody looking for things I may have. Just drop me a line and I will save them for you. Well... I'm in the mood to sort so until later...Tomorrow I will post some more updated studio photos. It's getting there!!


Does anyone know how to change the time on these posts? It is really off and I can't figure out how to change it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mark's Owie

So here is Mark's owie. He gets to take his arm out of the sling a little at home so I snapped a couple of pictures of scar. After 3 weeks, it looks so good!!! The sterile strips will come off on their own, so they say. He's really doing good. He drove to physical therapy today all by himself. I wanted to work downstairs and I haven't felt that great the past couple of days so he went to Carroll without me. It was the first time he drove a car since his surgery too. Milestones all around.
Brody turns FOUR today... the 13th. Henry Helgesen's first birthday is today too. Happy Birthday Brody and Henry!!! I hope you both get everything you wish for. Have a really big piece of cake for me... get the piece with the most frosting too. It's always the best!!
I worked downstairs again today, sorting more and more patterned paper. I outgrew the shelves so I had to add more wires cubes and shelves. I think by Saturday I should be done sorting that paper :o)
I am waiting for all the snow to come... I don't know if it will be 2 inches or 8. One forecast says we will get 2-4 another 1-3 and if the path goes just a little north, maybe 4-8. I decided that we should be ready for 1-8 inches. That way I won't be disappointed. I'm hoping for a smaller amount so I don't have as much to shovel.
So until later.... have a great day!!!

Will I ever finish this?????

Sometimes, I wonder how I ever managed to scrapbook without all of these supplies. When I started scrapping years ago, I kept my stickers, embellishments, brads, ribbon, chipboard, flowers, you name it, in themes, all in quart sized ziploc bags. Eventually, I upgraded to gallon sized bags and now.... 37.5 quart tubs. The funny thing is there is the ribbon, flowers, brads and chipboard aren't in the tubs. They are in other containers... will I ever use all this? Want to know something else, I have 4 tubs that aren't even in the photo. How crazy is that? I spent last night sorting more paper. In yesterday's photo of the paper racks, the one on the right is now full of patterned paper and I have more to sort. My brilliant storage solution now has to be revamped. I have an idea so you will have to wait and see how I fix this problem. I have a constant companion when I am in the basement too. Gracie Lu really likes the basement. I don't know why because she will disappear for periods of time and I move to pick up more supplies to put away and she bounds out from underneath tables, chairs, tablecloths, I've found her sleeping in tubs under tables and curled up on Romanoff tubs. She's funny and makes me laugh alot! I guess with the mess I have I need to find humor wherever I can. So, the deadline is approaching for the completion of the basement... one week from Friday. I'm getting a little nervous. I don't know if I can do it... It sounded so plausible a month ago when I made the deal with Mark, but as the days go by and I don't see as much progress as there needs to be. Well, I better go get some rest.... my creativity is screaming to get out and scrap.... that's all the motivation I need...Till tomorrow

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Updated photo of studio...in progress

Well, you can see the floor and that's a start!! I have a couple more photos if I can get it to upload them. Yesterday it was 61 degrees and today it 31 with lots of wind. There is a chance for THUNDERSNOW on Friday. That could mean we could end up with a foot of the white stuff. Hopefully, if that happens, I can spend my time in the "studio" organizing paper by color and manufacturer. I have 3 stacks about 18" high yet to sort and then I might be done... with paper that is. I think by summer I may be ready to scrapbook in the basement...aka studio again.
Well, if I don't get downstairs, I may never get to scrap again so I will sign off for now. Have a wonderful evening... Anyone for HuHot!!!! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Scrapbook Studio Before photo

Here is one of the before shots... I still can't believe all the stuff down there... but rest assured... I have made progress and many trips up the steps and to the garbage can. I have boxes of products; stickers, paper, chipboard, embellishments, albums, idea books, magazines, oh the list goes on and on and on. I feel like there could be a light at the end of a dark tunnel... especially now that I can see the floor which you will see in the next pictures I will post later tonight. (my battery was dead in my camera so I have to charge before I can take any of the studio the way it is now...) So until later....