Tuesday, April 28, 2009

TV Junkie

I have been watching The Biggest Loser since day 1 (this season's) and I have to say that I wish it wasn't a "game". I have watched my favorites get picked off the last month or so and I don't like Ron. I did but he is such a game player and a liar. I really was rooting for Mike, his son, and now the person I have disliked this whole time is who I want to win, Tara. Seriously, that girl drives me nuts but I want her to win now. So go Tara!! I also have watched Dancing With the Stars on Mondays too. Go Shawn!! But I love too many couples on that show and now that my favorites are left, who am I going to root for. Shawn is a gifted young woman and has surprised a lot of people but Giles and Melissa are fabulous too!! Oh the little things in life... I can honestly say that I am addicted to tv. I will plan things around my favorite shows if possible... sick I know but that's what I do...unless Mark can tape for me...He's been really good about it if I am working. Thanks Mark! Well, I will chat later....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Scrapping and Cropping

So I went to a crop yesterday and guess what... I sat there and talked for 2 hours without doing anything except looking at my new Bo Bunny paper. Isn't that sad. Me talking and not doing anything.... sounds like old times for me!!!!! I finally worked on a little mini house album that I had painted already. I was going to use it for my sister's recipe album but I had too many recipes for it. So, I had to decide what to use it for... It turned out to be almost perfect for my album of Brody on the trails behind our house last fall. Unfortunately I did a leaf book of those photos already. Oh well...the colors worked out so all is good. Once it's embellished, I will post photos...probably on Tuesday. I worked on Saturday night and tonight (I'm at work now) and then don't work again for 11 days!!!! Sounds like a lot of scrapping will get done.... Mark is saying "Dream On!" I am sure that there are a few things he thinks are more important than me scrapping...but he knows how scrapping is my outlet for stress..... Did I tell you that I am going to Kenny Chesney on May 7th!!!! I'm excited. It's at Wells Fargo Arena and Mark and I are making a date out of it with supper before hand and then the concert!!! Well, I better get back to work...I am going to help clean the bathroom now! Talk to you soon!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Project photos

I have had a fun week. I worked overnight Tuesday night and have been scrapping too. Megan's recipe album is done and I decided that Gracie and Izzy needed something done for them so I made a princess album for them. I attached photos of that for you to see. I can't believe how big Izzy is getting. She can go up and down stairs now so no place is sacred for Gracie. Gracie has been in heat twice in the last 2 weeks. I didn't know that female cats can yodel that low. Izzy is still making us laugh unfortunately it's at 4:30 in the morning, but still she's so funny. She reminds us of a monkey. She runs like one and that tail looks like the monkey's at the zoo. I also have made a MOM album for my mom for Mother's Day. The whole family will be in Texas for Megan's graduation so we will fill it with family photos in a couple of weeks. That album is BRIGHT and cheery. I needed those brilliant colors to perk me up. Enjoy!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Well, I have been working on yet another scrapping project. This time, it's for my sister for her college graduation present. I made her a recipe album and it turned out pretty cool if I do say so. I used my Zutter machine and some Teresa Collins bracket cover pages. I made the 8x8 pages and used Moxie's recipe line and the Teresa Collins Bon Appetite line as well. I printed out some awesome recipes and I like it so well...I want to keep it. I added charms to the binding and loved the way it looks. I will add a photo to show you. Maybe I will add some photos of the wedding album I worked on. I didn't take any photos of the second album. I will be honest, I wasn't really that thrilled with it. The colors were hard to work with for me, Candy Apple Red and Sunshine, Primary Yellow. It made me think of Iowa State the whole time and I just didn't like it for a wedding. It would have worked for my grandsons though. Well, that's it for now... chat with you later. (Well, I have spent the last 45 minutes going through all my SD cards and can't find the one with the wedding album on it...sorry. If and when I do find it I will post those photos)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Sorry I don't have any cute photos to add...Mark didn't hide any eggs and we didn't dye any either. Neither of the cats wore any bunny ears so there isn't really anything cute to post but I wanted to let you know that I was thinking about all of you and hoping that you are having a wonderful Easter. We are having Easter "steaks" on the grill. I'm always up for a good steak! So Happy Easter!!! and Congrats to Anne-Marie and Jon on their new baby girl, Julianne. She is beautiful in the photos. Well, I need to go help with the meal... Take care and see you soon.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Passed Test One

Well, I passed my written test for Medication Manager class. In fact I aced it and boy did that feel good. Now, I just have to pass my clinicals next Wednesday and then I will be done with training for my job... Could it be?! So just a quick post and I will post more tomorrow night. I have to finish that wedding album and then I can scrap my OWN stuff. Have a wonderful Easter and safe travel if you are going anywhere. We are staying home now. I don't have to work until next Tuesday so I am going to relax a little bit.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So, how's everyone been lately? I have been working and today and tomorrow I am taking Medication Manager classes for work. I worked Saturday night and Monday night so I have my 48 hours in for this week. I also have been working on another wedding album that needs to be done by Saturday. I just got my information on it last Wednesday night. Luckily, I am using the same sketches that I used for the last album so I can work quickly. I will be ready to work on my own stuff soon. I have a build up especially with Izzy and Brody and Griffin. I don't work again until Tuesday so maybe I will get something done over Easter weekend.
Good luck Anne Marie on Friday with the baby. I will be looking forward to finding out if Brooklyn has a baby sister or another brother. I love seeing photos of Brooklyn, Mason, Drew and Henry. Can you guys have cuter kids?! I enjoy watching them all grow up.
Gracie has adjusted to Izzy. It's been fun watching. The first night it was a standoff but they are best buddies now. Although Gracie gets a little tired of her "shadow" and goes downstairs to hide now and then. It also has caused Gracie to be the grown up and she's not the baby any more which is sad for me. She and I would cuddle when on the couch or in bed but now... nothing. Izzy is too busy and is getting used to not getting her way and being held. She would rather be on the floor running around or playing with toys or attacking ankles.
Well, I need to study for my test tomorrow and finish the last 3 pages of the scrapbook so take care and let me know you are all happy and healthy....

Thursday, April 2, 2009


So I pulled a little April Fools prank... I wasn't going to but when I went to post the pictures last night, I decided to wait. Childish I know but I haven't gotten to "play" much lately. I have been working so much that I wonder when the part time job managed to cause me to work 46.5 hours since Sunday. I worked 34 hours last week and work Saturday and Monday overnights and medication manager classes Wednesday and Thursday next week. WOW! And I thought my part time job would allow me to scrap more. Did I forget to mention that I have to do another wedding album by next Saturday and just got the information on Wednesday (yesterday). I guess I should be scrapping but instead I would rather talk to all of you... By the way Gracie and Izzy are getting along well. Last night it was a standoff in the bathroom with Izzy hiding under the shelves and Gracie ready to pounce. Mark said they were playing together at 4:00am and Izzy was holding her own with Gracie. This afternoon, they were sleeping in close proximity to one another on my bed. Well, I'm signing off and I am sorry if I upset anyone by my joke. I really did adopt, it's just a furry child.

Here she is

Meet Izzy... the latest addition to the Paulsen family.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We are parents...

Well, it's official. We' ve adopted a little girl. Her name is Izzy and she was born on Feb. 2, 2009. She was born in Fort Dodge, Iowa. We brought her home tonight and well, it's going to be a roller coaster ride for the next couple of weeks while we all get used to one another. I'm afraid that Gracie is going to have the hardest time. She has been the princess in our home. Now our time is going to be shared between her and Izzy.