Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Discipline problems

So here are the "girls" in their "Time Out Sweaters". This is what happens when these two climb the Christmas tree. The water bottle didn't do much but slow them down a little so I put on their sweaters. It wasn't for discipline but it worked out that way. It was chilly and they were laying by the registers and didn't seem to be to warm so I thought this would be a solution. It ended up being what stopped them from climbing the Christmas tree. You know how when you take the dog to the vet for a haircut and they come home all embarrassed? That was the same effect the sweaters had. It kind of depressed them a little so they didn't stay on for days, just hours and I had peace and the ornaments and the tree thanked me. I finally took the tree down on Saturday and took away the temptation. Hooray!! Maybe the sweaters will be put away for awhile, that is until some other naughty behavior begins.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to all of you!! I hope that this holiday finds you all happy and healthy. Mark and I are staying home because of the weather. We were heading to Port Byron, Illinios for Christmas with my dad and Sally and my brother and his family. Mark asked me if I wanted Christmas steaks for dinner but I told him that we should have a real meal...turkey and all the fixings. So, I will be making turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and cheesecake for dessert. We are having my friend Sheila down for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. She can't make it home until the weekend so we are going to gorge ourselves and then watch movies all day. I am looking forward to it!!

I got an early Christmas present this year...a fulltime job!! I will be doing what I have been doing but now just fulltime. What that means is I work two nights (3pm-9am) and a Wednesday morning meeting and that is my week. I was offered a different job working days but I really like the overnights. It gives me more time to scrapbook and spend time with Mark. It is such a relief for me...

Well, I hope you all get to spend time with those you love this holiday season!!! Make it memorable!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The "Tree" Girls

Well, it's only a week until Christmas and are you ready? I was actually thinking about taking my tree down. The cats are constantly trying to climb it and are knocking the ornaments off and squirting them with a water bottle only phases them for a few seconds. We have found that putting them in their holiday sweaters makes them docile. More like a timeout for them because they don't like them. You know when you take the dog to be clipped and they hide when you bring them home because they are embarrassed, that's how they act. They walk around and try to walk out of the sleeves...it's hilarious. If I had a video, I could make money. Gracie was down right embarrassed and Izzy got one arm out but after not being able to get the other one out, she put her paw back in the sleeve. She knows who's boss!!

Well, I'm off .... next time I will have some more to post.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!!

Well, snow in December makes a white Christmas seem more like a reality than a dream, at least in Iowa. We have 8 inches already and are expecting "thunder snow" in a couple of hours, so they say. I know that I don't have to work tomorrow but an expected to go on Thursday overnight. I hope the wind that is coming tomorrow doesn't do what they think its going to do. Blizzard warning in effect until Wednesday afternoon. I would like to just enjoy the week at home, but we'll see.
So, presents are wrapped but not under the tree. Gracie and Izzy enjoy climbing the tree much to my disapproval. They don't like the spray bottle but it hasn't deterred the cats from climbing and batting the glass balls on the tree. They are cute doing it though but I'm not too crazy about the ornaments all over the floor in the mornings. I like it so much better that they like to nap on the tree skirt under the tree which is why there are no presents under there.
I need to get the Christmas cards ready to send out. I picked up the pictures yesterday and now need to get them finished and addressed. Maybe tonight or tomorrow since the snow will prevent anyone from going anywhere.
Enjoy your time with your family and be careful if you are traveling.