Saturday, October 17, 2009

Christmas shopping DONE

Well, it's official! I am done shopping for Christmas!! Mark decided not to go so I went by myself and got done in under 4 hours. I got some good deals and a couple of GREAT deals! I got home and Mark suggested we put up the tree....I said we should wait until after next weekend when the kids and grandkids will be here to go to Vala's Pumpkin Patch. I can't believe I said to wait. I am always wanting to put it up so we can enjoy it...maybe November 1st. I posted yesterday that I made some gifts and need to make a couple more but I now have free time so I will start on them either tonight or tomorrow. So, I am heading to the studio to work. Wish me luck. I need some creativity juices sent my way!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009


I know, it's still too early for this post but I have been really busy in the scrapbook studio the last two and a half days. I have been having a ball making Christmas presents!!!! I have made 7 presents so far. I have more to make but there are only 24 hours in a day. I worked the first couple of days of the week so I am off until Tuesday! I have the kids coming this next weekend and our annual Vala's Pumpkin Patch trip and I have been looking forward to this since last year.

Mark is going to watch the Iowa football game tomorrow and then I think we are off to Des Moines to do the Christmas shopping! Mark's idea!! So it will be a great trip with him and supper out...maybe Famous Dave's!! My mouth is already watering! I have my list made out and the shopping plan in my head and Mark and I will get our shopping done in a hurry! Yeah for us!!!!

Well, I am watching Grey's Anatomy and waiting for Mark to come home from his football game and then he's going to another one. We are going to get groceries after that so I better get a move on... Just wanted to update my blog... Let me know what you think!!??

Friday, October 2, 2009

I can't believe it is October already!! It's definitely fall outside...the wind is blowing, it's cold and damp outside and the leaves are falling all over the place. It's time for pumpkin patches, chili and cornbread and beautiful colors!! We have been busy working in the basement and outside (ok Mark has been working outside) but we've kept ourselves busy. We have company coming next mom and stepdad and then we have a family reunion next weekend in Illinois. I'm excited to head east...hopefully the leaves will still be on the trees and not blowing all over. I also get to see my dad and stepmom, whom I haven't seen in over a year... pretty sad that it's been a year. I guess everyone is too busy these days.

So what's new with all of you?? Got your Christmas lists ready and the shopping started? I can say "yes" to both of those questions. I remember a few years ago that I had all my shopping done by October 1st. it was awesome because then I could enjoy the sales and pick up items for Mark and me without feeling guilty. Not sure that I will be done as early but want to be done by November 1st this year.

Well, take care and drop me a line and let me know you are all ok!!